Below are the results of some miscellaneous projects on which I have worked in the past; I hope that others may find them to be of some use in their own endeavors. All that I ask is if you decide to use these files, particularly my course materials, for any purpose, that you credit me as the original author and link to this page when applicable.



[Windows 64-bit dl]

  • Multi-channel stopwatch (2013): Record the times and durations of up to 499 instances each of five different channels of events against a flexible and user-friendly master stopwatch. Especially useful for post-experiment analysis of videoed behavioral data. Data optionally exported as text file after each session.

[Linux 32-bit dl] [Linux 64-bit dl] [Mac dl][Windows 32-bit dl] [Windows 64-bit dl]

  • Attack of the Evil Flying Christmas Mice (2011): Rescue your mother (and the universe) from the clutches of enough evil mice to save Christmas and enjoy a surprise ending to the tune of some oddly familiar music. 




  • Perfect Love (2013): What are the ingredients of perfect love? The answer provided by this animated adaptation of writer Miranda Innaimo‘s lyrical interpretation of romance might surprise you.
  • Bearlove (2013): Adorable waving bear has a smile and a Valentine’s Day greeting for that special someone.
  • Tuzi Mountain (2010): A mountain rabbit is happily enjoying a nice patch of fresh green grass when…




Animal Research in the Neurosciences: Helping Us Understand Ourselves?

Guest Lecture for Kyung Hee University Department of East-West Medicine Neuroscience Course, Seoul, Korea, 2015.05.04

Lecture Slides  •  Lecture Notes


This Is Your Brain on Computers/This is Your Brain on Computers, v. 2.0

Harvard Summit for Young Leaders in China Science and Technology Seminar, Shanghai, China, 2007, 2008

Students will explore the most compelling ideas and cutting-edge research in the realm of brain-computer interfacing through an examination of peer-reviewed research papers, published works by futurists and transhumanists, and science fiction stories.

Course Readings   •   Lecture 1: Harnessing Output   •   Lecture 2: Tweaking Input   •   Lecture 3: Shifting Substrate   •   Course Supplement


Methods in Historical Research and Exposition

Peking University Department of History, 2009-2010

By researching and composing original academic essays and presentations on a variety of topics in world history ancient and modern, students will gain facility in synthesizing disparate sources of information to support convincing written and spoken arguments. The course will culminate at the end of the semester in a final presentation of significant length and depth that students will have the opportunity to present to their peers in a class symposium.

Winter Syllabus


Brief Guide to Historical Research and Exposition   •   Lecture 0   •   Lecture I   •   Lecture II   •   Lecture III   •   Lecture IV   •   Lecture V   •   Lecture VI   •   Lecture VII   •   Lecture VIII   •   Lecture IXa   •   Lecture IXb   •   Lecture X


Source Packet I   •   Source Packet II   •   Source Packet III   •   Source Packet IV_Part I   •   Source Packet IV_Part II    •   Source Packet V_Part I   •   Source Packet V_Part II   •   Source Packet VI_Part I   •   Source Packet VI_Part II   •   Source Packet VII_Part I   •   Source Packet VII_Part II   •   Source Packet VIII   •   Source Packet VIII_Main Reading   •   Source Packet VIII Supplementary Reading   •   Source Packet IX_Part I   •   Source Packet IX_Part II

Response Papers

Lesson I Response   •   Lesson II Response   •   Lesson III Response   •   Lesson IV Response   •   Lesson V_Response   •   Lesson VII_Response   •   Lesson VIII_Response


Midterm Exam, Part I   •   Midterm Exam, Part II   •   Final Exam, Part I   •   Final Exam, Part II



Chapman, Michael E. (2012).《人文与社会科学学术论文写作指南》(Thesis Writer’s Guide: Making an Argument in the Humanities and Social Sciences). Kelley Swanberg, trans. into Chinese. Beijing: Peking University. [Amazon]

One Reply to “Other Projects”

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